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Western Wrestling Club

Western Wrestling Club

Western Wrestling Club supports and promotes all aspects of the sport of wrestling at Western School Corporation. The club works to encourage education, morale, spirit and financial support in order to ensure ongoing improvements to the youth, middle school and high school programs. Western Wrestling Club is for all wrestlers, boys and girls, grades pre-K through 5th grade. 

Western Wrestling Club is chartered and insured through USA Wrestling.

Regular board meetings are held at least 3 times per year or as deemed necessary by the club president or by a majority vote of the officers. Meetings are open to the public. Meeting notices will be posted on social media or you may contact the board secretary to confirm the meeting time(s) and location.

Western Wrestling Club Board of Directors

Jamie Martin

Vice President: Christian Cline

Treasurer: Jeremy Burns

Secretary: Nicole Bumgardner

Communications Director: VACANT

All practices and clinics are held in the Western High School or Western Middle School wrestling rooms unless otherwise specified. Please check with the appropriate coach with questions about practice location.


Western Wrestling Club
2600 County Rd South 600 W 
Russiaville, Indiana 46979

Email: [email protected]

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